Tom Soto

Finding Balance in the Storms of Life

Posts Tagged ‘Kids’

How to Spend a Weekend

Posted by Tom Soto on June 1, 2008

This is how I spent this past weekend. What did you do?


Went to a church meeting. It is a regular meeting for me and lets me wind down after a long week of work.

9:30pm- 12:30am
Entertained my daughter, Kaitie, and her friend during their sleep-over at our house. Watched Shrek, made popcorn, watched them dance to the Shrek ending over and over. Finished the night with scary stories like Bloody Finger, the chasing eye ball, and Once Bitten.


Made breakfast for the kids. Made muddy mess in the back yard. Hosed down my six-year-old son from muddy mess in the backyard.

Went to the First Annual Long Beach Civil War Reenactment. Took the kids to a Gettysburg reenactment. They actually had a good time. Cannons firing, cavalry, Yanks and Rebs strolling through their camps. Spent some time with “General George Pickett“, before his fateful charge. He told the kids some great history about the war, gave them some Confederate money and homemade ginger snaps. I think the kids learned more from the ten minutes we spent with him then they would have reading a book on the real General. Even so, my son wanted a Union cap so I bought him one.

After taking the kids to McDonalds for a bite to eat and ice cream cones, we went home and I wanted to rest before church. However, my wife told me about this house for sale and that I needed to go see it right now. So I jumped back into my car and saw the house. We put a bid on it.

Went to church with the kids. Met some friends and went to Chic-filet for dinner. My friend’s kids wanted ice cream so we went to Baskin Robbins. It was a lucky day for my kids. Ice cream, twice in one day!

Watched The Incredibles with my son Jamie. For the fifth time.


Took my son Tommy to his hyperbaric therapy treatment. Sat in the chamber with him. He takes a dvd player with him into it but always wants to play Woody Woodpecker cartoons. Or I should say a Woody Woodpecker cartoon as he plays the same one over and over. I can’t stand Woody Woodpecker.

Rushed home and the whole family went to the Talk About Curing Autism annual picnic in Irvine, Ca. We’ve been going for four years now and the kids have a blast. They get to go on rides, jumpers, eat more junk, while my wife gets to explore the booths, talk with other moms. Me, I am a gopher. You know, go for this, go for that. But it is a fun time. Besides, Jenny McCarthy, who is the spokesperson for the organization, was there.

Went to a celebration for our church’s lead pastor at the CSULB Pyramid. He is retiring after 38 years of service to the church. It was a nice night and made all the more pleasant as the kids behaved very nicely. I think they were to tired to cause trouble! Although my one son did like running up and down the stadium stairs. The cake at the end helped too!

Got the kids to bed. They all passed out within minutes. That never happens. All-in-all it was a fun weekend and I don’t know how I have the energy to write this. Just hope I have enough to get up to go to work tomorrow morning.

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